J-Rock, I was feeding him to the wolves at utahclimbers!
Ultra, just curious - were you wearing helmets? If not, you should have been. Any injuries sustained while climbing (with the exception of belayer error) are the climber's own 'fault.' If you want to eliminate risk, climb in the gym, eh?
Sandy wrote: If you want to eliminate risk, climb in the gym, eh?
but what if a hold spins!!! seriously though, after breaking my knee (a varnish foot chip broke) when i started climbing in the gym again, any time a foot hold spun I would almost loose it, i was so paranoid and scared.
So say something to the guy, just don't be a dick about it and put him (or her) into a defensive posture. Most climbers putting up routes can handle some constructive criticism if its done the right way. That is unless there ego gets in the way. Offer to help if you can... not just be a doom sayer and trash the effort. Outfitting routes takes a lot of time and cash.
J-Rock, Getting lost on a Trad climb is different than encountering loose rock on a sport climb.Multi-pitch or otherwise.
Sandy, We were not wearing helmets. The funny thing is that I packeed mine all the way to the crag and left it in my pack at the base of the climb. Granted I've been wearing it since!
The thing that bothers me the most about this is that the FA'er is the Freekin' Grand Poobaa of the Utah Climbers Coalition. He should know better!
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