
Discussions full of RAGE!
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Post by diggum »

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Post by Meadows »

tsparks wrote:
What marathon are you doing? I'm trying to find a good one for the fall/winter.
There's one in each city that I know of: Columbus, Chicago and Indianapolis ... all in Oct.

I'd hate to run one of those because I'd have to train in the August/September murderous humidity.
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Post by tsparks »

There's one in each city that I know of: Columbus, Chicago and Indianapolis ... all in Oct. [/quote]

Yeah, I knew about all of those, I was just wondering if anyone had any personal experience with any that they wanted to recommend. There are lots of choices in the fall and I would just like to make an educated decision.
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Post by Paul3eb »

chicago was a lot of fun, i thought. there are tons of people (one of the biggest in the country), it's a great town (my kind of town), and it's almost perfectly flat. it's run the second weekend in october (i think) and training for it is warm but it gets better as you get closer to the race. depending on how you train, you'll probably peak in distance early september. and october weather is pretty nice for running.
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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Post by tsparks »

diggum wrote:tsparks,
I love the course for this race, who can beat all downhill after the start!
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Post by diggum »

I KNOW! :wink:
It's beautiful out there too.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Post by tsparks »

How close is Phoenix to Tucson? It is a lot cheaper to fly to Phoenix.
$DO||!$DO; try
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Post by TradMike »

pawilkes wrote:swimming 5 miles a day in high school
There's a saying that goes something like - too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Butterfly and breast stroke are also hard on the shoulder. I stuck to just freestyle and backstroke. It works wonders for laybacks and climbing in general. It makes climbs like Wheat Thin a cake walk.
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Post by squeezindlemmon »

tsparks wrote:How close is Phoenix to Tucson? It is a lot cheaper to fly to Phoenix.
1 1/2 hr or less. Not necessarily.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. ~Bob Marley
Posts: 2445
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Post by Paul3eb »

tsparks wrote:I love the course for this race, who can beat all downhill after the start!
how about flat, as in chicago? ;)

seriously, though, downhill is very hard on the body, especially the knees. since theres' the angle, you're falling a little past where your last foot was and thing increases the impact.
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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