There's a very big tree hanging over the top of Fortress near Party Time that looks like it's going to cut loose any time. It would land exactly where people sit at the bottom for Party Time. I will take care of it the next time I'm down that way but I don't know when that will be. Let me know if you take care of it first.
While I was hanging out on the ledge above the first pitches of that place Saturday, I decided that Fortress is far too dangerous. Big rocks and trees are ready to fly over the ledge!
I want to go up there a day when there isn't anyone arond, start at one side of the big ledge, and just trundle every block I can. Maybe even bring a car jack or something. Man would that be fun!
Make sure you bring a bivy Wes, you'll be there awhile, and you know you'd get to do a lot of trundling with me if you ever want to go hunt for some choss.