Well, as everyone knows All my climbing gear was stolen along with my car last week. I got the car back but didnt get any of my climbing gear. I am wondering/hoping that some of you have some draws that you dont/wont use anymore, that you wouldnt mind selling. I am also in need of a GriGri. If you have any of thiese things and would like to sell them please let me know, I would greatly appriciate it.
Kenny - I don't have any full draws, but if you can wrestle up some biners, I'll give you my 10 dogbones that I'm no longer using. I'll see if I can dig them up for you. They're around here somewhere.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
Hey man, sorry to hear your swag got yoinked (and that I don't have any to give), but at least you got your car back. Did you ever find out who did the theifing?
Damn that sucks dude!!!!!!!! Come on f'ers everyone has more than they need.......I'll donate four or more (I'll look at the house)..........Anyone else??? I'll leave them at Miguels for you this weekend.........bummer man
We might have an extra gri lying around. I will let you know late tonight or early tom........ would you have any use for a BRD? I know I definitely have one of those I'm not using.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. ~Bob Marley
I found them-- I've got 10 perfectly good short dogbones that I'll bring for you. I'm so sorry this happened to you, Kenny. You didn't deserve this shit.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
Thanx everyone, this weekend I am actually going to the New for the Rondvous there (the least I can do since i climb there some) I will be back at the Red Memorial Day weekend for the 3 days. I will have some cash for anyone that helps me out. I want to pay for everytthing, it would make me feel better about myself that way. Thanx agian
kenny, you can buy one dog bone, one atc, one gri gri (if squeeze doesn't have one hanging around), several long slings (and two footers if you want them), several catches, a set of tri cam and nuts, a sterling rope (it's a little soft but it's safe.. at least until you get another one) <60m, and a chalk bag..
..all for the bargain price of two cups of coffee from rro.
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins