RRO Opening Part-Ay

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Post by ReachHigh »

Rhya wrote:

I CLIMBED for the first time, and had a blast!
you looked like you were having a great time at Fortress.
"there's a line between self improvement and self involvement"
"Dogs are nature's pooper scoopers ."
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Post by diggum »

I didn't end up going b/c the weather was shit & I really wanted to climb all day & party all night.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Post by squeezindlemmon »

The weather was awesome Sunday, digs!
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. ~Bob Marley
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Post by Rhya »

I DID have a great time.. Those guys were a riot, and they were so safety-oriented, too! :) Better safe than sorry---it was my first time climbing EVER.

When I let go at the top and sat on the rope (yes, i sat on the rope---pray it will be my last time doing so..ha ha ha) just to spin and take a look for the first time??!?!? WOW!!!! i am hooked! I want to learn it all! I was kinda stuck on one spot, but everyone was so encouraging--I just kept going and going!!! Every time I said I was tired, and was going to sit? I pushed myself further.. it rocked!

Now, my shoulders and arms are KILLING ME! lol I wish I had some Southern Pecan coffee! The stuff here at work just isn't the same.. lol

"Exhaust the little moment
--for too soon it always dies.
May it be a moment of the Heavens, or one of the Earth
--it will never again come in the same guise."
Rhya, 2005
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Post by Crankmas »

JB, no offense and you're right Ky sarah is a climber I'm just a poser or when sprt climbing of course a poseur
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Post by JB »

dude... you'll always be my favorite winchester cam store.
[size=75]i may be weak, but i have bad technique[/size]
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Post by Crankmas »

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Post by Wes »

Fun times for sure. Thanks much to Matt and Amy for doing a kick ass job with the place. They have been busting ass for over a month now just to get things into shape there. I know I am super psyched to have a place like this at the red. Pretty soon, there will be a wait to eat, just like the cathredal cafe at the new.

Hope you all enjoyed the slide shows, and many thanks to Charlie, Ryan, Va, Matt, Meadows, Yas, Artsay, team suck and every one else who as let me take pics of them.

Mazz, you show rocked. So cool. JB, I was really hoping for the G and R cover. Maybe next time?
"There is no secret ingredient"

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Post by RRO »

Everyone that has been around me is tired of hearing it but we can’t say thanks enough! The climbing community in the Red is so supportive and caring. We had a great time this weekend and look forward to many many more. Without the support from everyone we would not have been able to pull this off. This is not a job for Amy and I, it’s a lifestyle choice and we truly enjoy providing a service for the community. I say it over and over but we go to bed smiling and wake up smiling and hope to promote that vibe to everyone that walks in the door.

We would like to say a special thanks to everyone that has given time, equipment, suggestions and overall support. There are way to many people to list. There are a few people that have really shown what friendship is about.

Charlie you rocked in the kitchen and have gave so much
Virginia you can boss me around any day, you have a place to crash and your food bill is paid
Ryan you are the chalk salesman of the year. JB is still owed what he was promised
Wes great job on the show and for getting the Internet up. You need to talk with Charlie about his humping problem
Brian awesome show, so talented. Support your local artist and pick up a print!
JB you can plan on playing every 3rd Saturday of the month, I can’t stop playing your cd.
Ray/ Michelle without this site what would we do? The wall decorations are up and look great!
Don/Jodi, I was told I had to respect my elders. You all have done more than I can remember. Nutin but love!
John H thanks for the gear
Tina your such a strong lady and we love ya!
Dipsi and Frank, your mags have provided many bored climbers something to do on the rainy days
Mia you clean mighty fine
Bart for the signs and company during construction
The Muir Team, we look forward to your visits every time! Rick, your Diet Coke will be here from now on. If there is anything we can do for you let us know.
Team Suck for not sucking and giving us someone to make fun of
The list could go on and on.

We hope to see you all soon. If there is something we can do or bring in to help you out while your in the Red please let us know. I have always ran business by saying if I don’t know its broke I cant fix it.

We plan on hosting gatherings often. Nothing makes us feel better than to see people smiling and truly enjoying each other’s company.

See ya soon !

The Tackett’s
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Post by J-Rock »

I don't think we will go to the Lodge or the Shell for breakfast ever again! :D Great food, great coffee, and great people at Red River Outdoors! :D Nice job guys!
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."

--A Navaho elder
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