Thanks Gretchen. I've been wanting to do it for awhile....just had to get the time. I also upgraded to the latest verson of phpbb and lost some mods during the process (stats being one of them). It'll come back in time. Thanks for pointing it out...I didn't even notice.
Yep. It's even better. What a resource! Don't mean to get in anyone's business, but how much does it cost to run this thing? If it's a lot, I propose that Lynne forget her J-Tree trip and host a chili blowout. 8)
This site costs me about 90.00 a year.
30.00 for the domain name and 60.00 for the Dynamic DNS service.
I run it out of my house on a little 233Mhz PC running Linux.
I think we should. It's not a huge amount, but hell, how many people depend on this site. Let's have a "Save the On-Line Guidebook" bouldering contest. Sounds like they're making a killing down south with these contests. Corporate sponsorship and all. What say you?
NO doubt but they are also buying a lot of private property down there so let's have a comp to help purchase the land that we currently are locked in a land contract on!