Muir Updated Info for April

Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...
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Post by Ascentionist »

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Post by weber »

Last Saturday, there were 26 cars in the Muir Valley parking lot and about 15 more at the overflow area at the end of the road. Whew! Six days after finishing the enlarged parking lot, it was full to overflowing. Sunday was better with only about 16 cars total. Please do not block access to the new maintenance barn at the end of the parking lot. It is still under construction inside, and trucks need to get in there.

Although there were a lot of visitors, there seem to be enough climbs (about 175) that no serious crowding resulted. The Great Wall is very popular, so if you arrive there and find it crowded, try across the hollow at the new climbs at the Solarium and Great Arch area, or along the wall to the right of the Great Wall (Boltergeist/Beware the Bear area.) Thanks to Tim, Jared, Karla, JJ, Mike, Greg, and Josh, new routes are going up daily. Also, check out the new great climbs in Rebel Camp near Sunnyside and around the right in Hatton Hollow. Refer to the online guide here on this forum for updated info.

Every weekend, someone or some party gets really lost. We apologize for not having enough signs up. They are in the process and should be up soon.

A reminder here that ONLY Official Muir Valley vehicles are allowed to drive down from 715 to the valley floor. If you have not been granted official permission and have a sticker for your windshield, you may lose visitor privileges if you violate the rules. The road is being slowly improved for use by maintenance and emergency vehicles.

We also apologize for the occasional tractor and chainsaw noise. This is necessary to clean up the mess left by loggers and to restore the land back to a more natural state. Additionally, Liz and I are building a little cabin up on top of the west side of the valley across from the Indy Wall. We'll try to keep construction noise to a minimum. Sound really carries down in the gorges.

We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
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Post by J-Rock »

Evidentally that photo is from Muir Valley. It is the upper (vertical) section of "Jesus Wept" at the Sanctuary, but the photo is turned a little bit making it look much steeper. :oops:
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."

--A Navaho elder
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