Torrent falls Bouldering?

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Torrent falls Bouldering?

Post by peteypablo »

Anyone know if the cave around the bend from cordelia towards the road is considered a bouldering problem? I played around on it saturday and was just wondering. Its between cordelia and the next bolted route, its not really a cave more of an overhang.
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Post by pigsteak »

the stock climber's answer is "if you had fun on it, then it is."

call it whatever you want, but please have fun.
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Post by Ascentionist »

Long time bouldering area, many different problems there as we ll as under Sex Show and under the .11 wall (Bandoleer area).

But pigsteak's answer is as good as any.
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Post by strum »

Ya I jumped on some of that stuff a while ago, didn't see any chalk, but I'm blind when excited anyway. Fun Stuff!. Have a good time!
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Post by usccabum1985 »

Ya just enjoy oulling on somthing other than plastic. Torrent hass some cool things to climb on that dont requiere a rope. there is some fun stuff on the boulder below the overhang you crawl under. good stuff :mrgreen:
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