J-Rock wrote:When you discover that new virgin wall you will also have the required responsibility of creating and putting in trails before it is open and available to the public (time that could otherwise be spent climbing).
Don't plan on making any of the climbs I've found public. In some cases that would be illegal, in others, not wise, in still others, pointless.
Not looking to be a developer here. Just think it would be fun to do some unknown routes and have been looking for people that would think that's fun too.
Wow! Never thought I'd see that crack being climbed. I explored that entire cliffline about 5 years ago, asked John B about it and he knew of one person that had been back there, but didn't climb.
I remember it being short, and almost a perfect crack. Couple other lines out there had potential as well.
Southern Utah - Where the women are men and the sheep are scared
I recall a gravel road...in the Gorge...parking and hiking along a ridge...scrambling down to the cliffline...mostly south-facing...seem to remember lots of trees, some bushwacking, and a valley.
That should get you there. Can't be more than 2 or 3 places that fit the description.
Southern Utah - Where the women are men and the sheep are scared
Anyone up for a 80-100 foot free standing pinnacle? One side is FS, the other private. The private side has some moderate looking face climbing. There's definitely a couple lines there.
There is also a boulder that I did a couple of routes on a few years ago, a 5.7 arete and a 5.8 face. There's some TR potential on it as well.
The main wall is private and has quite a bit of potential and nice south and west facing rock. Cracks and face potential, mostly vertical with some slabby. Offwidth and smaller cracks up to 90 ft. There is a 4 wheeler/horse trail that goes right up to the cliff. A little steep, but no bushwhack. Less than a mile hike if you have a little clearance and mostly open forest right now around the rock. Will become a bushwhack as the summer rolls in.
Going to head up there on the 16th. PM me if you're interested.