> If the cam face is only touching the rock on one edge of the cam lobes,
> I would not trust it.
I think Pete is touching on an important point here. I'm not willing to make the blanket statement that it is bomber if the face of the cams are in full contact.
really? I figure IF:
The cams lobes are in full contact with the rock, and
the lobes are neither over or under cammed, and
the rock quality is good, and
the piece wont fall out when jiggled,
Its good.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
If any of you guys see J.J. then be sure to ask him about the time he shat on a rattlesnake. It is hilarious! He tells the story much better than I could.
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."
hummm, the fronts are good in this position mainly because they will help hold in the back cams which, in this placement, will likley hold the vast majority of the fall, still this is where I wold be wishing CCH made a really freaking big offset alien
4679 posts sine my last visit... I've been skiing too much