Gretchen is a BITCH

Discussions full of RAGE!
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Post by diggum »

:| :D Sorry!
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Post by GWG »


I apparently didn't see the post prior to it being edited. That's why I asked to be shown what was offensive.

I am one of 3 local reps for the RRGCC for the Louisville area, not a very good one though. I volunteer my time as much as I can to try to improve the climbing in the gorge: not just with the coalition but with other organizations as well. If someone questions this, I really don't care because I know what I do and would like to think that I am making a difference.

Shoot, my mother told me to keep quiet all the time. Did I listen to her? Let me put it this way, I certainly know what Dial soap tastes like. :roll:

As far as my rank goes, I have no idea how I got it. I'm certainly not going to mention anything about it since I know the power Sandy has over that. Best not to say a work about the rankings or else! :wink:

I don't feel attacked. I guess I just live by the philosophy of "Always consider the source". For me, this forum is not a reliable source until I meet and interact with the individuals. It's all good!

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Post by Artsay »

Geoff!!!! :lol:
You didn't have to answer those questions! :lol:
Gretchen said pretty much those same things on that other thread. I wasn't asking you those questions. I was just thinking that if I talked to you in the same manner that she was talking to others that maybe you'd see how her posts were condescending. Nice to learn so much about you, though! :)
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by Meadows »

longlegsrule wrote:
as she would readily admit that she is NOT the nicest person sometimes...but also that she really doesn't care what people think about her actions...
Which is so disappointing. You know, I believe Castro or Chavez doesn't care either what people think of their actions. I know, I'm comparing apples to grenades ...
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Post by Crankmas »

wow Meadows that some pretty heavy thinking, you know for a girl
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Post by SCGC » Gretchen is Castro..that's one helluva leap. Maybe she'll have some good cigars on hand next trip.
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Post by KD »

speaking for myself - i like to volunteer for rrgcc projects becasue of the personal satisfaction i get from helping our community. what the board does or doesn't do - or say- hasn't kept me from enjoying being a part in the rrgcc and it -probably never will. i have had fun and met lots of great people on trail days, rocktoberfest, derbyfest, etc. i'd be a part of it just because it seems like the right thing to do. now being on the board itself is different - i wouldn't have the personality (for lack of a better term) to be in that position - politics of climbing - ya know. i see wes' point for getting out when he did - but i hope i get to work with him more on trails etc. it's fun being a part of the development and history of this part of red river gorge climbing.
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Post by Sunshine »

Be careful KD. This thread could take a turn for the positive.
So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins,
For peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losing-- Zep
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Post by KD »

Sunshine wrote:Be careful KD. This thread could take a turn for the positive.
oops i almost messed up... :wink:
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Post by rhino »

squeezindlemmon wrote:Out of curiosity, what do members of the board really do and what is their purpose and their strategy?
My name is Ryan and I am a board member. The main thing I do for the RRGCC is the accounting work. I spend a few hours every month or so to enter the checking account information into our accounting software package and I make sure all the deposits ( checks from you guys ) get deposited properly. This work allows the board to see what activities bring in money and track how the money is spent.

I also try to attend Board meetings to give my input into decisions that are made by the RRGCC. Lately, due to time constraints, I haven't been to very many meetings.

My personal ( NOT THE RRGCC ) agenda is to see the MP land purchase be a success.

Do I feel like I do enough to help the RRGCC, especially raising money for the MP? No I don't, but it's all the free time I am willing/able to give at this time in my life.

I hope you will all consider when you attack the Board or the RRGCC that all the people that do work for the these organizations ( and most like them) do so in their free time and are not compensated for there work. I am not trying defend attacks against individuals, but blanket statements about the board always bother me.

If you have any questions for me I can be reached by e-mail at

Again, this is not a response from the RRGCC or anyone else on the board, just me.

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