ok, listen up all you topropers...this bastardization of our beloved sport has got to stop...immediately! tradsters were beside themselves when sporties came along, but toproping has degraded the sport even further....the question in the poll is worded all wrong....it asks how hard you can send on toprope...well, there is no such thing as a send on toprope....if you "send" on TR, you must pull the %$^# rope and lead the route before you spray....I'm about to blow a gasket here...toproping is not legit....it is only for practicing, not real climbing.
I lead the same level as I toprope. I like leading, but am not so crazy about it that if the rope is already up I feel a need to pull it and relead it. I guess I'm just lazy. I do agree steep routes are a pain to TR, so I prefer to lead them first and have the next guy worry about getting the draws down.
toproping scares the hell out of me. much rather lead! don't like the idea that only the anchors are going to hold me if i fall. more focused and pumped up on a hard lead. get more satisfaction out of leading. that's just me though.
sumdog...irrational fear..when is the last time you heard of two bolts failing on a toprope excursion? think about it...the load on one bolt from a lead fall is way more than sitting back on a toprope with two anchors. if you want fear, I'd say leading is a better choice.
pus: thick opaque usually yellowish white fluid matter formed by suppuration and composed of exudate containing white blood cells, tissue debris, and microorganisms.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. ~Bob Marley