Tim, you remind me of a poster I saw recently. It had a frontal shot of an old guy in running gear in a starting stance for a sprint. The caption read, "Respect your Elders... or at least get the hell out of the way!
Watch your six, Fred Beckey.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
I'm hating my 40s.Hair growing in odd places,joints hurt all the time,I tire easily,all sorts of stuff. I'm a product of my misdirected youth. I hope you are aging more gracefully Tim,happy birthday! Mine's right around the corner....
"Everyone should have a plan for the zombie apocolipse" Courtney
Happy late B-day tbone! You are one cranking older dude! I wish I could have you around when these fat 40 year old guys are saying "Wait until you get my age kid. You'll be just as fat and tired as me."
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!