she doesn't even know, i'm dogsitting while she's on a cruise with her folks. on my way from the crag she called and asked how he was, i said he was snoozing in the backseat and we were leaving because it was too crowded.
As already said.. if you get dumped anyway then it's no girl and no gear. Also a lot more expense getting the gear back then you sold it for. Figure another way out! A reputable vet will not send you packin, so feel good that you didn't go to the ones who are turning you away.
I feel your pain! I spent about $1500 saving my grandpuppy's leg. It was worth it. Agree with Artsay; don't spoil her vacation. Hope you can work something out and hang on to your gear.
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.
Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
what happened to the poll? its ok, it was a landslide victory.
i don't want to sell my gear, but thats not really important at the moment, i need the BEST orthopedic surgeon available and NOTHING will stop me from attaining his services. especially material objects that can be replaced. its just stuff.
The vet clinic between Richmond and Berea. Karly's leg was so mangled they didn't think they could save it. I think they called in a vet to do the surgery, and she is fine now. She sits with the left paw turned out, but it just makes her look prissy!
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.
Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
Jack Hume is an incredible surgeon. That's actually his expertise. He reconstructed my dog's leg with pins after removing an invasive cancerous growth on her joint. It was an experimental surgery to avoid amputation and she healed up great. Seriously, Jack is rocks. Just so happens he's a climber too. You'll be in good hands with him.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
thankyou all. i think i'll call Jack Hume. should i wait until Monday? currently Jerry is boarded at the emergency clinic on the east side of lou. we both really appreciate all the support. you're all great!