Is the online guidebook going to continue to be around after the sales of the book start? Seems route development at the red is endless and Guidebooks will always be lacking routes.. Is muir valley in the new guidebook?
Just saw a copy of this at Miguel's over the weekend. Really, really, really, really REALLY worth the $$! Can't wait to get my own copy.... then I can get my "famous" friends to autograph their pages - I esp like the one of Yas on Andromeda Strain and of course, the one of Michelle on B3. Hmmm.... maybe I should get Tikka and Maggie's pawprints on it too!
Two thumbs up, Ray.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind. ~Bob Marley
Oh man, he is messing that up. However, he is missing his left leg so that way would probably be harder for him. SCIN, just before spraying some beta for a climber doing a route the WRONG way.