KD wrote:One of the problems discussed at the recent reps meeting in cincy was intergrating the membership list in to a database for the purpose of communication.
It is interesting that the purpose of a database is for communication, but you have a meeting in Cincinnatti and don't post what is discussed at this meeting for say, the people in Evansville. Maybe once you get your database put together it will tell you that there are RRGCC members in Evansville, So Ill, Tennessee who might not be able to drive to Cinci but are capable of programing a database.
One thing that bothered me was the low turnout at rocktoberfest - we had to go from crag to crag and advertise free admission and free beer. That's a result of poor communication on the coalitiions part. If we had more volunteers the word could get out better.
This past Roctoberfest there where at least 11 people from Evansville that were there. That is double any amount that had previous came to Roctoberfest from my area. The reason being I was getting information from Tim Powers about the event in JUNE. The problem is not the "volunteers", the problem is the people INSIDE the org that like to keep things quit, so much so that it is the last minute posting about Roctoberfest and other events. I can find information online right now about the PBC 2005 but what can I see about Roctoberfest 2005? Is anyone even starting to plan this yet? Nah, let's all sit on our asses until October.
Last edited by andy_lemon on Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Andy: These thoughts are valuable and I honestly think they should be posted on the RRGCC website where hopefully key people will see them.
Since I volunteered to help at Rocktober, I will add that the person in charge (Bill) was aware of the lack of advertising and did the best he could with what resources he had and in the end, I know it was a learning experience for him (it was his first time to organize as far as I know). It was still a helluva party (you were there - you should know).
Last edited by Meadows on Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
actually i have an idea for real...why don't you organize your proposed database for members AND non-members. i know it sounds crazy, but trying to include people just might do something for you. or you could get sunshine to go house to house and talk non-stop about how the person is so stupid and ignorant for not agreeing with him and shannon.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast
Lateralus wrote:..... Think about it, that person already seems to have some issues with the coalition for whatever reason, maybe valid maybe not.....
There's a bit of grief with this ingrate in particular about exactly this kind of crap. If you people think that was a valid attempt at gaining info then you're pretty clueless. An honest attempt would have been posted on the RRGCC forum, not here. It's another in a long line of efforts to stir shit up and maybe Toad's just a little tired of it, I know I am.
Meadows wrote: Since I volunteered to help at Rocktober, I will add that the person in charge (Bill) was aware of the lack of advertising and did the best he could with what resources he had and in the end, I know it was a learning experience for him (it was his first time to organize as far as I know). It was still a helluva party (you were there - you should know).
It was a good party - I hope derbyfest is as good or better.