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the lurkist
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Post by the lurkist »

Did anyone get the really nice SCC update in the mail today? What a together organization. I sent them $50 once a few years ago. I still get biannual update. Whatever, I could go on. Triple Crown series, all the outreach, the industry tie ins with the organization.
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

Isn't there a difference between what's acceptable in the openly public part as opposed to the registered member only part? There's only a few thousand people that can read advice on water based lubricants in the registered member sections...

I've said too much...
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

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Post by Spragwa »

Actually, I thought that Toad's reaction was the perfect example of why some people find the RRGCC distasteful. Many people who disagree with them get called ingrateful idiots with a low IQ by a few very visible members of the board. The RRGCC does good works. No doubt.

ynp1 I would encourage you to look at the site (which gives very little information by the way) or to contact a member of the board if you have questions. If you'd like to speak to someone who won't bite your head of or lecture, contact Dr. Bob or Ryan or Bill Strachan. They're outstanding people who are open to discussion.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by KD »

ynp1 wrote:i was just wondering what is going on with the RRGCC. i havent heard much about them lately. are they getting all the land paid for?
www.rrgcc.org we're there you're here c'mon over and take a look. :) Currently derbyfest is being planned and volunteers and participants are welcome. The rrgcc is like any other org. it goes through periods that are quiet between storms - and not everyone argees with the positions rrgcc - but the mission is noble - for you and I to be able to climb in the Red. Perhaps what the rrgcc needs is a shot of new blood in the arm from you - please feel invited to join, be active, and agree/disagree as much as you want. :)
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Post by Paul3eb »

ynp1 wrote:i was just wondering what is going on with the RRGCC. i havent heard much about them lately. are they getting all the land paid for? whos the president of it?

im just wondering i feel like they have just dropped of the edge of the earth... (not that, that is a bad thing)
check out the website. the last access issue was updated last june.. and before that last march. the representative's list was updated last august... 2001. three questions are in the faq section. in fact, the most updated site on there home page that i could find easily was from july of 2004 and that's a biography of wes.. is he still a member? the forum link doesn't connect me to anything but a http 404.

so you tell me. is it unreasonable to think this person tried to find some info but got the impression that sometime last fall the rrgcc died? don't you think they made the right move and came here to ask the people who are closely tied with the organization what the updates are?

sprag's completely right. just be nice and considerate. when you react the way you do you come off (and a lot of people do this) as being an elitist prick.
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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Post by Toad »

Last edited by Toad on Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KD »

is it unreasonable to think this person tried to find some info but got the impression that sometime last fall the rrgcc died? don't you think they made the right move and came here to ask the people who are closely tied with the organization what the updates are? [/quote]

It is reasonable for him and others to conclude that the coalition isn't active. One of the problems discussed at the recent reps meeting in cincy was intergrating the membership list in to a database for the purpose of communication. The problem for the rrgcc as well as other volunteer grass roots orgs. is finding talented, computer savvy volunteers to to do this work. You don't have to agree with everything the coalition says and does to be an active member and help climbing in the red. One thing that bothered me was the low turnout at rocktoberfest - we had to go from crag to crag and advertise free admission and free beer. That's a result of poor communication on the coalitiions part. If we had more volunteers the word could get out better.
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Post by squeezindlemmon »

Volunteers is the key word.
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Post by Lateralus »

Toad, i think you are too pissed off to see spragwa's underlying message. If you want to get more people active in a volunteer organization, try not to be a dickhead to them and alienate them even more. Think about it, that person already seems to have some issues with the coalition for whatever reason, maybe valid maybe not. Even if they have no reason to feel that way, you've now given them a good reason to stay away. Count to 3 or something next time before you hit the submit button. Oh yeah add sexist to your list too
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captain static
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Post by captain static »

The criticism of the RRGCC website is valid. If one only looks at the front page, the last announcement is dated last fall. It is at this time that the new RRGCC forum was established. Use of this forum allows people without web programming skills to post information and announcements. The organization is working on transitioning to a new front page. A link to a beta version of this front page (http://www.rrgcc.org/new/index.php) was announced on the RRGCC forum in mid-November 2004. We are still working on transitioning to this new front page and ask for climber's patience and understanding during this transition. Although the old front page contains some outdated information, there is some very important information there concerning the Murray Pendergrass Preserve. This needs to remain up until it can be transferred to new site. Until the RRGCC can make a full transition to the new front page, we ask that climbers use the forum as their source for current information and as a means for asking questions or providing input. Thanks.

Bill Strachan
President, Red River Gorge Climbers' Coalition
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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