USFS E-mailed with this link for the Press Release:
Bison Sold
Huh? The way I read the release was that the FS cited public safety as a concern. That and the flooding. Thing is the floods like the one over Memorial Day weekend are not that common. I don't know when, if ever, the bison have gotten out because of flooding. The fact of the matter is that the FS has wanted to get rid of the bison for some time. The field was too small for the number they had pre-flood. Part of the herd was owned by the FS, the rest by an outside group who felt pasionate about having bison at Gladie. The whole thing sums up the FS, I'm sure they'll field hundreds of questions and requests to bring the bison back when the center at Gladie reopens in the spring. I wonder if they'll keep selling bison souvenirs in the gift shop?Glenrider wrote:Public safety was not cited. More a lack of suitable conditions to care for them during such cases as the horrible, horrible weather of 2004.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
My telephone conversation with the USFS did not involve "public safety" at all. Which is were my quote comes from.
The Press Release does.
The Press Release does.
This is true, in fact an internal struggle between USFS members has been ongoing for some time. Last year's floods provided the justification for one side to win out.The fact of the matter is that the FS has wanted to get rid of the bison for some time.
[i]Semper Exploro[/i]