I worked at a wall built by Eldorado that used those in OSB (oriented strand board). There was a serious problem with tearout. Once the screws stripped out, the wood in the area of the hole was typically too torn up to screw them back in. We would pull the T-nut and put in a pronged replacement, but it wasn't ideal. I suspect that by putting the screws into plywood, they would work better.GWG wrote:I've seen the ones that have the little screws on instead of the prongs. Has anyone used those? From what I've heard about them, they are more time consuming to put in but then they are in for good. Virtually no stripping out.
I guess that the ideal would be to use the screw-based T-nuts in plywood and set them with something like Gorilla Glue that will bond both metal and wood. But that would be REALLY time consuming.