So I have to make room at my house before HJ7 ver 2.0 arrives and I have a hugh stack of old Rock and Ice and Climbing magazine to dispose of. I don't want to trash them so any takers send me a PM. I believe this collection starts around 1993. Thanks
If you don't get any takers and you're not looking to make money off of them, you could always ask Miguel if he wants a huge donation. I'm sure people there would love to sift through the box.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
Yasmeen wrote:If you don't get any takers and you're not looking to make money off of them, you could always ask Miguel if he wants a huge donation. I'm sure people there would love to sift through the box.
And then destroy / steal what they wanted. I left a large box of climbing books there after rocktoberfest a couple years ago for "store copies". By the next spring, they were all gone.