Check out our new posting "Ice Fall in Muir Valley."
Liz and I were in the Valley last week taking advantage of the unusually warm weather to explore new areas. The winter scenery was breathtaking, but a bit scary at times.
Be careful of that "INCOMING!!!" icefall from above. Falling chunks the size of bathtubs. Honestly.
The advice offered in this thread to access the Great Wall was good, however... There is a photo of this area included in the "Ice Fall..." posting that shows big ice above the climbs where it cannot be seen from below. When I took this photo, there were people climbing below.
This time of year in the Valley, please be absolutely sure there is no ice above your head when climbing.
Please, no ice climbing in the Valley. In the future there may be some toprope protected ice routes established. This is a beautiful area, but it ain't Ouray!
One final advisory note: Please use the parking lots and access trails shown on the maps at our website: The gate combo is 13-3-37 (then,push the button). Do not attempt to take the steep road down from KY 715 in Rogers. It is impassable, dangerous, and closed.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau