Head's up: crowd coming to roadside

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Head's up: crowd coming to roadside

Post by Huggybone »

I'm taking some gumbies to roadside on saturday in the afternoon. THere won't be that many of us, but enough to make it feel crowded.
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Post by haas »

it's funny how the parking lot can be full at Roadside or Torrent and still it doesn't feel too busy, but you run into two other people at some remote trad spot and you are like damn, where did all the people come from?
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Post by Artsay »

That's funny, haas! And so true...

We were at Indian Creek a few weekends ago and ran into four other climbers. We were like, "Damn! I can't believe how crowded it is here!". *Four* other climbers. :roll: :lol:
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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