Beautiful route, I'd say .12b onsite, little harder than Bare Metal Teen or Chainsaw. It's not as hard as Steelworker which seems like standard .12c at the Red
"Good things take time, impossible things take a little longer"
Percy Gerutty
so if you fall off the damn clipping holds at the anchors, could i rate the difficulty of the climb then? also, can you just pretend that it was a glory whipper and say you sent it anyhow? i guess i am just going to have to get back on Recoil and finish the damn thing and put it all to rest.
you guys have no clue what is up, I know that when I am climbing and I get on things, I can tell the grade of the route with out looking in a guide book and about 90 % of the time I am right now. even if i dont do it, or i onsight it, I know. but I guess that is why I am allah and you all are a bunch of choads