We know this is very short notice, but if anyone in the Red this next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 28-30, can come down to Muir Valley and help a few hours with removal of trash along the new road, it would be much appreciated.
As some of you know, the road down from KY 715 (about 4/10 of a mile south of the Rogers Elementary School) goes to the Valley floor. At the bottom of this road is the start of a new road that is currently under construction and when finished, will extend the length of the Valley -- about 2 miles.
At the bottom of the existing road down from 715, there are two cabins. One is where Cathy Holthouser lives, and the other is the one she just purchased and is converting to a Climbers' hostel. The previous tenant left a lot of junk around the place and along the road.
We recently found out that this week in Wolfe County the normally high charges for taking refuse to the local trash transfer station are waived. This is done only once a year. We still have to gather it up and deliver it to the transfer station, but the cost savings there are huge.
Those of you who can donate a few hours picking up and loading trash will be given priority to stay at Cathy's place at no charge through this weekend (first come, first served) and free lunch.
If you can help out, please PM me.
Rick Weber
Help needed in Muir Valley
Help needed in Muir Valley
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau