So a man's standing on the deck of the Empire State Building. To his horror, he sees another gentleman get a good running start and leap over the side. The first man runs to the rail only to see the first man pop right back up and land back on the deck. He is amazed. "How did you do that?!" he exclaims, incredulous. The first man explains: "It's very simple. The wind blows very hard against this side of the building and creates an updraft. You can jump right off and the wind will blow you right back up over the top. It's really fun, you should try it." The second man is skeptical, but is finally convinced. He runs to the rail and leaps off and falls all the way to the street with a SPLAT. A passing pedestrian asks his friend, "Oh my goodness, what just happened?" His friend replies, "Oh, that's just Superman, messing with the tourists."
So, Superman, are you taking the munchkin climbing or are you just messing with the tourists?
It touches my heart to hear that you have accepted the fact that you are a washed up has been. It must have took some soul searching to get to the point that you are willing to let your over inflated ego be pushed to the side. I’m so happy that you are fine with attempting routes within your range instead of spewing garbage from your old partners past achievements. The couch may not have done much for your body, but it sounds like you have worked out your head issues. We do have a girl scout camp coming up this w/e, if you would like to watch them to get some pointers and maybe even hitch a ride up one of their top ropes you are more than welcome to join. Just pm or email me and I will tell you where to stick it, I mean meet us at.
I want your strong hands to wrap around my testicles like a kung fu warrior in day care. mother@@$@$@.
Pm from Horatio. I think he likes me
Hey- Alexis and I will be down there saturday. I would love to have you climb with us. Give me a call or shoot me a Private message ifg you are interested.
-Petey Pablo
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
Shit....girl scouts??? I'm there. I just wanna watch em.
Ray....If I only come once, the gas won't cost much. Thats the plan as of now. Unless of course a little buggie bites me.....but I'm not countin on it. I'd love to see the crack though...and give it a go or 7.
Petey....hell yeah. I'll be with we can all hookish upish.
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."
-Tyler Durden