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Gaston? High Step? Drop Knee? Talk in here.
air canada
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Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 5:53 pm

Post by air canada »

Its fun too the top! There's been enough traffic too clean it up-it was chossy, but its in good shape now. Fun climbing!
Never mess with a local!
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Post by Zspider »

Hahaha! The only "redpoint" I've ever gotten on Possum Lips was after clipping the last bolt and wandering right to the easy ledge and then reaching way left to clip the anchors. I'm not real picky about how a route gets done, but in all seriousness, I don't count my ascent as an honest redpoint of the route. However, I wouldn't raise the slightest voice of dissent if somebody else climbed it that way and claimed it. Clip the bolts and anchors under your own steam, you sent it! Yeah! WAHOOO!!

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Post by tomdarch »

grumblegrumblegrumble ... specialed and I got on it two weeks ago. The slime wasn't bad except for the holds right below the second bolt (which made for an interesting sequence to get past it). Ed ended up hiking it on TR, but I just didn't have 'tha juice' to really do it. I felt OK, and I think I've got a good sequence for, well, the whole thing. It's going to take me working it a few more times, a good cool/dry day, and me having an 'on' day to send it - it's a main goal for this fall!
Bacon is meat candy.
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