Muir Valley Gate Lock Combination

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Muir Valley Gate Lock Combination

Post by weber »

As most of you who have climbed in Muir Valley already know, there is a locked gate on the access road off of KY 2016. It is only temporary and is a courtesy to four of our neighbors who are building new homes and who wish to minimize the odds of their supplies being carted off.

The combination to the gate lock is posted on the kiosk sign and also will be emailed to those of you who email me requesting it. If you have filled out our on-line release form, I will send the combination to you.

My email is: * (Delete the asterisk)

Please keep the gate locked at all times. Thanks for your understanding.

Rick Weber
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Post by Jeff »


Do you want the gate locked even if, when we arrive, it is un-locked?
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Muir Gate Lock Combination

Post by weber »

Yes, Jeff. Please keep the gate locked at all times. Our neighbors have
asked me to tell our guests to do this.

It has been a bit odd that these neighbors have been the ones to leave
the gate open on the weekends and not the climbers. Nevertheless, we
will honor their request.

I'm guessing that we will take the gate down in late fall.

Just as a point of interest, the entire road from the Tolson turnoff to
the logging trail at the end of the road is part of the Muir Valley
property. So, by rights, we didn't have to agree to putting in a gate.
But, we wish to keep good relations with our neighbors; hence the

Thanks for your understanding.

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Post by Jeff »

Thanks Rick.
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Post by tomdarch »

Given that there have been break-ins to climbers' cars in various areas around the Red, have you considered leaving the gate up and locked? I'd think that the locked gate would go a long way towards deterring theives: it blocks easy access and easy get-aways, plus it communicates a sense of 'who belongs there and who doesn't'. It's only a moderate pain to the climbers, we only come and go once in a day, typically.
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Post by weber »

Tomdarch --

You make some good points about a gate. Actually, the current gate will have to come down because, even though it is on our road, this road is an easement for access to the six properties along it that border the upper Muir property. These property owners will want easy access after they have built and are occupying their homes.

However, we could put a gate up at the entrance to the Muir Land where it turns off of our main road. We'll have to think about this.

As a practical matter, the fact that the neighbors are within a hundred yards of the parking lot and overlooking it offers a more secure setting than is normally found at remote parking lots for other climbing areas in the Red.

Thank you for your suggestion. We'll give it some thought.

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