Bouldering co-op in Lex
Bouldering co-op in Lex
Over the past couple days I've heard rumours that a group is forming with the intent of starting a bouldering co-op. Is this going to be some elite group of local climbers? It seems to me the more people, the more money, the more space, the more holds. I would hate to see this turn into a country club for Lexington's climbers.
If you have a woody in your apartment and a friend of a friend brakes an ankle, you would be the one getting sued. It is a suck-ass world that we live in that way, but liablity it the number one issue with a bouldering co-op. I would love it if another great public gym opened in Lexington, but I don't see that happening right now. So, we are doing what we feel is best for us.
"There is no secret ingredient"
Po, the kung fu panda
Po, the kung fu panda
I am a climber here in town. I worked at climb time here and in Indi. I can set problems, clean holds and contribute fincially to this cause. Unfortunately the only criteria I fail to meet is being popular enough within a certain circle of climbers to be included. That is a attitude for climbers to have "doing what we feel is best for us."
I am a climber here in town. I worked at climb time here and in Indi. I can set problems, clean holds and contribute fincially to this cause. Unfortunately the only criteria I fail to meet is being popular enough within a certain circle of climbers to be included. That is a attitude for climbers to have "doing what we feel is best for us."