fahrenheit 9/11

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Post by pigsteak »

nice matt...take the benfits of the country, but not the duties and obligations..tell that pussy to stand up....and move now if you don't like it. :)

sprag...like I said, it truly isn't a partisan issue...or shouldn't be. Kerry voted for the war with 95% of the Senate. what more can we say...MOST thought there were WMD's out there...even Edwards about 3 years ago went public with his belief in WMD's in Iraq...it is only at election time that both sides have now taken to twisting it for political gain. it truly is sickening...Bush not admittting he was wrong, and apologizing, Kerry posturing about his righteous indignation....two sad, very sad politicians indeed.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Crankmas »

Sprag not to nitpick here but "fan of the war" jez, Cubs fan, Nicks fan, Cat fan etc but fan of the war seems like a role no one should assume-other than that...
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Post by ScrmnPeeler »

Don't be misinformed, the military is not just a group of "bodies" who only pull the trigger when told. The whole system breeds highly trained, tightly knitted groups that are closer than family. Commanders generally will go as far as possible to protect the safety of the troops. When I had to give orders, it was like giving them to my own brothers.

Please don't insult those who volunteer, we have our reasons. I was a young poor white kid, no body made me go. I wanted to. The pay sucked, the food was bad, but I did it, and most of you didn't. You missed out on the experience of a lifetime. Pussy.

Go to Canada, faggot.
So, you're a feminist...isn't that cute.
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Post by Yasmeen »

ScrmnPeeler wrote:You missed out on the experience of a lifetime. Pussy. Go to Canada, faggot.
That's just as close-minded as the statements you just spoke out against with this statement:
ScrmnPeeler wrote:the military is not just a group of "bodies" who only pull the trigger when told. The whole system breeds highly trained, tightly knitted groups that are closer than family. Commanders generally will go as far as possible to protect the safety of the troops. When I had to give orders, it was like giving them to my own brothers. Please don't insult those who volunteer, we have our reasons. I was a young poor white kid, no body made me go. I wanted to.
You can say that people who don't wish to go to war are reaping the benefits of the country without paying their debt, but I don't think that paying your debt to society should consist of fighting for something you don't believe in (i.e. "bringing democracy to Iraq").
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Post by tomdarch »

pigsteak wrote:[snip]Any money you want to spend on liberal causes, please take it out of YOUR PAYCHECK. I prefer for the gov't to let me keep more of the money I earned, and let me decide what causes are worthy. Charity is no longer charity when it is forced.
Woo Hoo! Piggie finally showed up!

Anyway, does that mean that I would be able to hold back any of my tax dollars that would go to:

Corrupt, no-bid, cost-plus Halliburton contracts
Military pure-pork spending (e.g. useless bases and weapon systems)
Our pork and racism driven, inneffective prison system
Federal subsidies to grazing, mining, forest product and agri businesses
Corporate welfare
Any deficit run up by Bush and the republican controlled congress

Seriously, a far bigger chunk of your tax bill goes to these sorts of things than to "crazy hippie crap" like drug treatment or keeping kids from starving to death.

So, here's a deal: you pay huge-assed the bill for the military and the Bush deficit, and us lefties will pay for cheap stuff like welfare and non-military foreign aid. How does that sound?
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Post by tomdarch »

Here are some numbers on Federal spending to go with what I'm talking about:
40 billion -- children's health care
34 billion -- children's education
15 billion -- higher education
7 billion -- job training
29 billion -- affordable housing
8 billion -- environmental protection

355 billion -- the Pentagon budget. And that does not include the 200 billion dollars that war with Iraq and the ensuing occupation and nation-building is expected to cost.
You can probably quibble with a billion here or there, but the relative scale is roughly right. So which bill would you rather pay?
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Post by Saxman »

1) The reason for going into Iraq was not to "liberate" them, it was because of WMD and connections to Al Qaeda both of which were LIES

2) If one wants to say that liberating repressed people is a proper use of our militarty, when do we invade North Korea, China, and about 15 other repressive regimes?

3) Why is lying about going into Iraq and then changing the tune to liberation of repressed people OK?
The theory of evolution is just as stupid as the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.
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Post by Crankmas »

the buildings fell down and the innocent people in them were murdered, Bush didn't fly the damn planes in there, if Iraq becomes a Democracy then the hopelessness that breeds terrorists due to the "lies" regurgitated by the Islamic cleric dogs no longer holds water, liberals and conservatives can kiss my ass, I support the President, I support the troops, biparty politics blow, Father knows best, ie. George Washington warned the country against two parties running the show and the bastards have come home to roost, hang Ted Kennedy and hang Trent Lott-
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Post by chester »

they finally came out with a multi-purpose political bumber sticker that both parties could use.

It says: Run Hillary Run!!!

Democrats can put it on their back bumper and the Republicans can put it on their front bumper :mrgreen:
[size=84]Women are like tea bags. They don't know how strong they are until they get into hot water.[/size]
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Post by rhunt »

Saxman wrote:Why is lying about going into Iraq and then changing the tune to liberation of repressed people OK?
best statement made on this thread!
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