piggy is it true?????????

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piggy is it true?????????

Post by allah »

Gettin hitched I hear :!: Good luck with that one homey :!: I hear once you are married, thats when your life starts. Lots of stress, depression, and very little pussy after the first 3 months. Then you have to put up with all the nagging inlaws. Having to negotiate on living arrangments, and putting up with the barking little rat that wont stop chewing on your work shoes. Your spouse will always leave the car on E, and leave it full of her "girly junk". You wont be able to go out with your old friends because of the guilt you will have leaving the misses at home all alone too.......... while you are out at the strip clubs with your homeys. But hey, you love each other and thats all that matters, good luck and Best of Wishes from me and all your friends from CMH. :P
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Post by pigsteak »

yo allah! thanks a ton man..at my age, so much of what you speak of is over rated at best...thank God she is a serious climber as well. that was my number one criteria...ok, number three actually. first, she had to have both legs, and only two eye sockets. :)

hope to see you this fall...how's the trad coming?
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Post by Meadows »

Both legs and two eye sockets? You're so superficial, Pig!
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Post by pigsteak »

hey, we all have standards....
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Post by andy_lemon »

I bet Artsay makes Ray put something gay for your sig... I however, vote for "I found Miss Piggy".

Congrats are in order... so where is the reseption? :twisted:

Not a bitch.
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