Body Mass Index

Discussions full of RAGE!
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Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:03 pm

Post by spuzo »

haha - little orange finger prints everywhere...we'd be spotted so easy....just follow the trail of seed shells next to the orange the end a large pile of Barqs rootbeer cans and two girls with out of control sodium levels.
"I enjoyed a Guinness after I got back home from Palm Sunday Mass." - Captain Static

"Listen, you heard what I said. Do you want me to donate or not charlie. Suck it up and procreate." - Andrew
Rain Man
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Dec 16, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by Rain Man »

That whole BMI thing is a crock, AC, you're right. By all BMI indicies I'm about 25-30lbs over weight and should drop dead next week. Oh, but wait, I am running, biking and swimming 3+ days/week training for 2 triathlons coming up in August, burning 2000-3000 calories/workout and have lost a whopping 2 or 3 pounds with a resting HR somewhere in the 40's. Maybe the numbers are wrong and I WON'T die next week. Hell, I might not even die until September. SWEET!! :lol: :lol:

I believe what I said to Sik on Sunday while you were climbing was "that dude is strong". Gonna play some hockey, eh? Cool, I'd watch that.
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."
D. H. Lawrence
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