Uncle Big Green wrote:Tom, thanks for putting some effort into a response. I can summarize what your 2 cents is as follows: you little regard for property rights and little regard for due process of law. Hey, if that's your perogative...
I didn't get that out of his post at all. Of course I also understand that property rights are subject to the whim of the written law. The written law was established by white protestant land owners and expanded upon by future generations of the same ilk...unless of course you read landlord/tenant law.
I didn't see anything in Tom's post that goes against due process either. He has read and established facts, then made conclusions based upon those assumptions.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
If Mia and Spragwa are all for the status quo (the demopublican system), then that's their perogative. You two really aren't qualified to goad Pianomahnn in that patronizing manner. Try something else/better to get us to vote for sKerry. It's alway a safe bet to go in the opposite direction from two people who have little regard for property rights (see smoking ban thread).
A few others, including me (and maybe I'm being Don Quioxte sp?, but that's my deal), are going to vote for the person who's ideology is most similar to theirs. Maybe each time a few more like me will do the same and eventually change will come (I'm an idealist, sometimes optimist, but always a misanthrope). If I were to vote repocrat, I'd be endorsing one of the sides of the same coin.
democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch
Actually, Mia and I are highly qualified to goad Pianomahnn in our patronizing manner. More qualified than many others who have taken up that chalice, I'd wager.
Besides, I'm not the windmill you're tilting at Don Quioxte. I simply point out that your anger should be directed at the institutionalization of the two party system and not those who vote within it.
Hate the game...not the playah!
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
Yeah I know. Sorry man, I try not to take this board too seriously. I've definitely made that mistake before but today I'm in a pretty light-hearted mood. Try again tomorrow, you might have more luck.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
Uncle Big Green wrote:If Mia and Spragwa are all for the status quo (the demopublican system), then that's their perogative. You two really aren't qualified to goad Pianomahnn in that patronizing manner.
I am wondering why you think pianomahnn is more qualified to give his opinion, maybe it's because you agree with him?
I am pretty seasoned in politics. I have worked on several campaigns (state and national level) with a perfect winning record and I have worked for both republican and democratic candidates. I have seen enough of the inner workings to know the reality of the system not just the idealism.
and if my manner was patronizing it was in response to his and your elitist "i know better than everyone" attitude.
excellent point mia....you are correct. ~ Pigsteak
Oh and Mia is also the bombdigity! We miss her and want her back. Hey, maybe Piannomahn can go back to wherever he's from and Mia can come home. That'd be great!!!!!!!!
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
I am surpirised that it is not doing as well at the Box office as that other "documentary" released earlier this spring. Interesting how the extreme bashing of Gibson's movie propelled it to over $350 million, while the bashing of Moore's has propelled his "documentary'' to over $21 million in its first weekend! Just goes to show that attacking something is not often the best way to get rid of it (perhaps a lesson to be applied to terrorism, eh? But probaly not. Terrorists, unlike your teeth, do not go way if ignored.)
The thing I took from the film is the the left does not spend as much money on movies as their counterparts on the right, or so it seems. They do, however, make up for it at the popcorn counter, or so I am told.
Roll that toteboard, please, Ed:
The Passion of the Christ $370,167,453 Fahrenheit 9/11 $24,078,959
So, at this point, the Anti-Christ appears to be behind The Christ by about $345 million.
To all those that think the ultra right is dead in the water after this polemic film, keep your eyes on those numbers. $345 million is a lot of ground to make up.....