Nicros does business with SCO!?!

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Nicros does business with SCO!?!

Post by tomdarch »

I'm planning a home wall, so I was looking at hold companies' sites. I went to Nicros, of course, and they have redone their site. When you click on a link to see their holds, a new window pops up where you can shop for holds. All perfectly normal. But then something caught my eye - the URL. It was nicros-something dot something dot ""!!! Holy crap!

For non-computer nerds, it's hard to explain just how evil SCO is. They claim that they bought the rights to some core technology to the UNIX-type operating systems - a claim that is roundly denounced by the company they claim to have bought it from. And SCO is now running around suing people who use the LINUX operating system, which is a member of the UNIX family, but was primarily written from scratch by volunteers. (In fact, Ray uses LINUX to host this web site, which means that he could be sued by SCO, theoretically) Now that their suits are in court, they have been told to 'put up or shut up' to provide the evidence in the suits, and they are stalling like you wouldn't believe. It's amazing that a judge is putting up with their 'dog ate my homework' crap. They appear to be trying to blackmail most of the computer world but holding a totally empty bag.

In short, there's no way in hell I am buying anything from Nicros until they cut their ties with this bunch of scumbags.
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Post by Eagleman »

Those Bastards!! :evil:
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Post by Christian »

I hate them all......the Nabobs.....what were you talking about?
I try to be a good man but all that comes
of trying is I feel more guilty.
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