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Post by dhoyne »

Danny wrote:That is pretty bad ass but I get more excited when some local sends their 5.6 project. By the way, will everyone please start spraying more about sending stuff you are proud of? Share the love, eh. I'll do my best to contribute :mrgreen:
I sent "Four Sheets to the Wind" - 5.9+ **** at Junkyard Wall (New River Gorge) when I was there. My hardest trad lead yet. :D Yay me! :lol:
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Post by superjen »

stronghandman, you had to start somewhere too, what the hell is the problem with a "gumby" getting excited about sending, and their friends being excited for them? God, you guys can be so pompous!
..those who can most truly be accounted brave are those who best know the meaning of what is sweet in life and what is terrible, and then go out, undeterred, to meet what is to come. -Pericles

Post by freeclimber »

i guess none of you buy climbing magazines either. just a bunch of chodes spraying about all the cool shit they have done. why can't they write about some chufftard from michigan sending sunshine. gimme a break. haters is right.

i think it is impressive and makes me want to send my hardest even though i only climb 11's and 12's. man i need to reevaluate my motives for climbing. i'm only gonna climb no star 5.7 trad from now on. thank you for showing me the error of my ways. posers.
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Post by Yasmeen »

Man... the trolls around here are almost as loud and plentiful as the cicadas...
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)

Post by freeclimber »

yeah trolls are ghey.

Post by Guest »

apparently the fishing in Cincinnati is pretty good! :lol:

Post by freeclimber »

hi sandy. do you read climbing magazines? i would say everyone here does. why does everyone gotta hate?
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Post by loren »

Hey Danny, since you asked, I sent a 5.4 at Dip Wall Sunday. It had a tough roof move and then a funky topout, not to mention a hairy traverse to the anchors. However, I prevailed! Anyway, I just thought you might like to know. Now that I think about it, I'm gonna tick it on my spray list!
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Post by tomdarch »

marathonmedic wrote:Are you supposed to redpoint a route before you spray it or does it mean you made it to the top without pulling on the draws?
It doesn't compare to 14a trad leading while missing half a finger, but I'm pretty impressed with myself that I'm actually having fun working 11b sport (the first part of Way Up Yonder). It wasn't that long ago that I would have been really amazed that I could work something like that with a reasonable chance of actually sending it. So, Danny, I'm spraying about a *relatively* low grade project, and mm, I'm spraying about pulling on draws! Ha!

(But the drtopo posting describes the 14a pitch as 'the hardest on El Cap', but I've heard that Lynn Hill sandbagged some of the pitches on the Nose at 13d....)
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Post by Yasmeen »

Danny you would've been so proud of the way he ran it out on that 5.4... it's really a shame you weren't there to cheer him on with the rest of us.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
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