I guess I need not say anything, eh? Thank you guys, I appreciate the comments, and mr. Bill, I am surprised to hear you as pleased I appreciate it...seriously.
Jeff set good routes???? All he sets are good jug huals, Left, right, left, right. its like he gets his ideas from the red or somthing. I dont know, he needs to have a creative mind and stop thinking about his hairy, dinbarried ass and learn to set good routes. why dont you go buy one of those 24 inch double ended dildos for yourself and your little fruity jewish friend, that thinks he can climb. Anyways Jeff I will stop harassing you and if you need a good route to get ahold of me.
Everyone that is backing Jeff, you all suck at climbing, you might as well quit and take up Fencing you fuckin cock gobblers.
Jeffery, Im going with what Ben tells me about all the RQ fags. I climbed there once and was scared out of there from all the homos trying to anal rape me. after I flashed all there projects. Why do you think I dont ever stop and climb at RQ? Cause Im scared of all you
that's prolly the reason you don't stop by CT anymore too, huh? You afraid everyone is going to "anal rape" you? We know you are just speaking metaphorically and that by saying anal rape, you really mean climb circles around you. But that's ok little fella, i promise we won't judge you based soley on the size of your little guy, you'd prolly have a better rep if we just judged you off of your climbing ability of 5.????? oh say 5.9.....-
Ok I guess I'll finally weigh in on this sort of. If you've never set a route you should try it some time. It isn't as easy as it look. After a year and a half I've finally gotten to the point where I'll show other people something I've put together. With the ones I've marked I've asked people about them and half of them suck ass and the other half are "pretty good" or "fun". So Ditka if you think the routes suck. Set your own. Nobody is forcing you to climb them. Jeff since I don't know your routes or you, but you are a "full time" routesetter so keep it up, if they do suck look at it as feedback to improve and become a better one.
Damn I think that's the most I've said here in a long time.
if you ask anyone who has ever been on my routes to be honest, they will tell you that they really enjoy my routes. Not to be cocky or anything, but my routes are the schiznit!!! I am sure that if my routes sucked, i wouldn't get as many contract jobs as I do setting for other gyms competitions here in the midwest. Hmm....
Ok I do have to say Jeff can set some ok routes, but there is one thing i remember about his routes. there are always really small sharp crimps that arent finger friendly at all (atleast for all the boulder problems).