Arrgh! My image of the great guru Wes has been shattered. Mahatma Wes does not know all! (Almost all tongue work in porn is exaggerated dog lapping for the camera. In reality, it's all about the careful focus and delicately varied pressure and speed...)Wes wrote:Rent a chick filled porno and take notes.
Ah Ha! The guru has redeemed himself! His great wisdom pierces through the veil of shit of our temporal world to see the gleaming truth of true beauty!Wes wrote:If you have any other questions, like why you should have an OS X powerbook, instead of that crappy dell, feel free to ask.
Arrgh! The guru appears to be ignorant of VirtualPC (which allows the installation of various 'unclean' MS OSes (even allowing the user to enter the most horrible levels of hell, such as "Windows ME") plus various Linux OSes, all within the PowerBook's aluminum-lined slice of heaven on earth). Thus one can have a multi-boot system "out the second chakra", so to speak, and be largely protected from the 'demons' of the unenlightened realms of "Windows" (Plus, the Mac mail client's spam filtering is fucking great!)Wes wrote:Merrick, I am sorry you seem to care about "clients" and "testing". You are way to into caring about stuff like that. I mean, what is the meaning of life? It is knowing that nice silver powerbook loves you. And you love it. You can't put a price on that. And, besides, you can RDC into a 2k or 2k3 box anytime, and still have OS X...
NOOOOOO! Without my guru to dictate the ansers to all of life I may have to start thinking for myself!
Speaking metaphorically, "when you meeet the Wes, you must kill the Wes..."