The lessons to be learned here...
One, Don't leave project draws on a 5.11, to a sit down rest, to a 5.11.... especially one at a super popular crag.
Two, Always hang "project draws" on your project. Project draws being cheap ones you don't mind ruining b/c other people will use them, and the weather/elements will adversly affect them.
(I had a friend leave draws on Ale-8-One at the Lode for a month, and while no one took them, the two on the anchors were seriously grooved out from all the use they got in that month.)
Three, Never talk about taking other peoples gear, even jokingly, as it will happen to you.
Four, Don't climb at Roadside!
Oh well, sorry about your loss. I am sure whoever took them will never send again.
stolen project draws
It is possible, although unlikely that the peron(s) who took your draws were just incredibly stupid and didnt know that people hung draws on projects. Something similar happend to a friend of mine in So Ill when he hung his draws on a project and later found out that a bunch of ignorant climbers were planning on taking them cause they thought someone just left them.
The south will rise again!