I don't know when Danny became shy about spraying (see such posts as "Subtle Ways to SpraY" by Danny Rice). However, he has. So, I'll spray for him. Danny sent Burden of Dreams last weekend, which I've never personally climbed (as I am unburdened by dreams myself) and thus have no idea as to the actual difficulty, but rumor has it that "This offwidth and fist crack extravaganza has been a nightmare for most climbers who attempted it."
Anyway, just thought you all should know.
Also, for further information on subtle ways to spray, see following thread.
I was so exahausted when I got out there I didn't think I'd have the strenth to do the mantel. I couldn't catch my breath. When I got to the top I just laid there for a couple minutes gasping for air.
Who is this Danny guy you speak of? The only Danny I know is hurt all the time and will not climb a slab unless he can wear his boots and there is ice on the rock. He said that he didn't climb the last pitch on looking glass b/c he was "tired". I think it was because the river of water from melting ice on it was not challenging enough and so he just yawned and thought it was not worth his time. That is the Danny I know.