Planning a trip to Red River for the first two weeks of April. I was wondering if someone could give me answers to some of the following questions.
1) Is Miguel's open this time of year?
2) What are the temps like for that season? and what about seepage from ground water etc. Is the crag dry if it's not raining or is the thing just seeping wet till May sort of thing?
3) Are the snakes and spiders hiding in April?
I totally can't tell you what exact date Miguel's is opening. But it should be open.
Still a bit wet in some spots but if you find a wall that gets a lot of sun then you should be pretty good.
As far as snakes,....I haven't seen one except on a trail once out of the many times I have been there.
What distant and different beings in the verious mansions of the universe are contemplating the same one at the same moment!"
Henry D. Thoreau (Walden)
Miguels will be open then, and the temps are good. Sometimes it rains alot and sometimes it doesn't, but even during rainy days you can climb on dry cliffs. During April, on a 14 day trip, you should be able to get in at least 7 days of good climbing weather, probably more. Just make sure to use the really crappy days for rest days. There are alot of snakes, but you don't have to worry about them, they are not that aggressive. Check out for the average temps and rain fall.
miguels usually opens on the first of march, but since hes building an addition on to the shop now i was told by the venturas that it might not be open until the weekend after that, so the shop will be open in april. Oh and aaron, you are a crazy drunk...its really too bad you dont remeber everything that happened last night