Has anyone climbed in costa rica? If so, where is a good place to go? I tried a search on rockclimbing.com and recieved limited info. ANY beta would be apprectiated.
i was there last christmas and new years, but didn't climb any. vaya beber mas imperiales y sit on the beach y surf. i did get a postcard of some very tall looking rocks. i'd like to check it out next time i go. it was from chirripo parque nacional i think? i think it was the or near the highest point in costa rica. yeah chirrippo.
i'm just kidding. i sold my hole the whole time i was there. man those hispanics have some thick peckers. 'bout wore me out.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast
I wasn't into climbing at the time I went in 98. I agree with Ann, just swim and drink. Enjoy those volcanic ash beaches!
Can you bring back some of the coffee and a mix of their spicy rice and beans? I ate that for breakfast every morning and I swear I had the most energy I've ever had in my life!