I think that the quality is good...the rock is solid, though it is still a little crispy around the edges ( you gotta understand, no one has ever touched this rock since the beginning of time.!) in some spots. It's cleaning up nicely.
In the realm of difficulty, I would say (hopefully so....) hard 11d or easy 12a...maybe even 11b ish!! wouldn't that be great! 11 roof climb!
Near Mt. Olive rock. Its red tagged right now. The rock is soaked. We need a frozen or dry day to get back on it. Joe is powering up on endurance to go for the FA. It could be up into the summer before it goes down though. wet and weakness preventing the FA
"I enjoyed a Guinness after I got back home from Palm Sunday Mass." - Captain Static
"Listen, you heard what I said. Do you want me to donate or not charlie. Suck it up and procreate." - Andrew
Make sure you scream loud enough so the rest of us can hear when you send. Either that, or post it on this site. My friends and I can't wait to get on it. Looks like a really cool line.