I just asked a reasonable question and don't need to be cussed at by anybody. Frankly, I don't plan on posting on this site anymore, the responses to legimate questions are given unreasonably harsh and unnecessary answers. I don't see why the ranker of emcee or whatever has to act so overdefensive and mean. If thats the purpose of the site, then I'm not interested in particiapting.
have you read this site before??? there are tons of threads that ask the same questions and offer the same answers over and over, and for the regulars on this board it is getting really old...
excellent point mia....you are correct. ~ Pigsteak
reeeeaaallllllyyy old. It's like the bizarre-O world or something. That's my word for the day.....BIZARRE-OOoooooooo........
I don't think people on this forum aren't taking you seriously. It's just this stuff is really old... as MiaRock said. RREEEeeaallllly ooolllldddd... BIZARRRR-OOOOOooooo........(is that spelled with an e?)
I should be working.......
"The journey is what matters. The summit is an arbitrary place to turn around.
-Heather MacDonald