pink sock pics would definitely be a good idea! Nothing would sell better than one climber viciously romping another climbers ass hole,and the pictures after pullout...that sure would be something to look at!
spuzo wrote:hehe - I tried to convice someone to boulder last weekend with just a chalkbag on their cock...they have those nice handy little tightening straps so it was sure to stay in place.....
I'd bet if it were a little bit warmer you may get some takers
there's nothing quite like a throbbing, shit- and chalk-covered dick spewing semen on to a harness.
That along with a bleeding asshole that has been pulled out a bit (hence pink sock) would be amamzing. There would be this nice brownish mixture of blood, shit, and semen just dripping out the ass hole. I'm sure you'd get someone to buy this, and probably several people on this site to volunteer to be in the pics!
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