I'm a friend of Mias and am taking the liberty to help explain her stance - b/c I think I share it with her.
Ya see Dirt, refraining from judging someone harshly based on one instance is not being wishy washy. Especially if you don't know that person well enough to understand their reasoning, their intentions, or the potential damage your comments could make.
I hope you don't hold to much weight in what your brother told you.
If one were to project his theory further, an assumption based on your demeaning posts about women could be made that you are a rapist.
Oh and speak more kindly to Mia er I'll have to set ye straight
In my eyes, it is most definitely black and white:
1. She cheated (forging names is cheating anyway you look at it).
2. She got caught.
3. She said she "forgot" to get people's signatures and so therefore forged several of her friend's names including her boyfriend's on over half the problems on her scorecard.
4. She wasn't disqualified (she did have to return the prize money she won, though).
Either you believe that she "forgot" or you think she's lying.
It's not about whether she's a nice person or not. I know her personally and have seen her go above and beyond generous acts of kindness. She should have been disqualified because she cheated but since she has friends in high places they protected her and her reputation. In my opinion, everyone should be treated the same in a competition regardless of who you know.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
You weren't there, you "heard" about the story from what someone somewhere posted on the web. Congrats, you 'got the lowdown' weeks after everyone that knows anyone has already heard the 'full' story and post it on the web like you're some sort of insider.
Why exactly? Is this a public service you're performing trashing someone you don't know for 'apparently' doing something you didn't see? Clueless as usual. If you were filmed by the weather channel you'd be an F4 cluelessness event.
And no, she's not a friend of mine but she is one of the nicest climbers I've met. Without first hand knowledge of what happened I will not pass judgement.
Artsay's right, cheating is cheating and disqualification is an expected result, but airing some else's dirty laundry on the web without first hand knowledge is just bad form. Especially when mentioning them by name and then publicly insulting them based entirely on rumor.
rumor (n) -- a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts.
Personally I am glad that this incident was brought to people's attention. If not here, on a climbing site, then where else. I can protect myself and friends that may climb against her one day.
I do think that maybe the name should not have been posted in the forum, but I'm not the one who posted it so as she defended herself with "reasons" the poster may have their "reasons" too.
Everyone deserves a second chance...I know this isn't her first time doing this but that doesn't mean we have to be rude or put her down.
What I think is more of an issue...what happened to all the mula the Triple Crown raised?? Did it get donated?
LLR, I don't think you need to worry about climbing against her one day. She cranks harder than most dudes.
I sure hope this isn't what you meant to type:
longlegsrule wrote:I know this isn't her first time doing this
Reba is a very nice person who has long been highly regarded in the climbing community. While Artsay is absolutely correct that cheating is cheating, I wonder if there might perhaps be more to the story. Regardless, the sponsors of the event also screwed up big time by not chosing to follow their own rules. The donations question is a good one, too. Last I heard the AF and the SCC haven't seen any money from this event, but that may be dated info.
The only problem I have with the situation is not the fact that she cheated (that's simply a human weakness and forgiveable) but that I just can't get myself to believe that she "forgot" to get witness signatures. She's a helluvan athlete and this wasn't her first comp. So, in believing that, I feel that she hasn't been honest and that I can't respect. She's just so freakin' strong! It doesn't make any sense...
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
by "done it before" do you mean cheated?? I hope I'm just reading that wrong.
As to your climbing ability, don't get your panties in a wad. I didn't mean it as an insult. She's got many years of experience ahead of you and she's superfukkinstrong and talented. Unless you pull a Tanya Harding on her, there's no way you are ever going to catch up in order to be competing with her.
actually I don't wanna ever really be that strong...I like to be a little femanine...and it seems I already intimidate guys enough without kicking their asses on a wall