banishment is fucking gay

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banishment is fucking gay

Post by aaron »

what the fuck is it with people banning people? llr says i should be banned, pimp got banned( but later let back on for some erotic foreplay and some snm) banning people is fucking stupid. i don't understand why people are against the free expression of ideas. you have no way of knowing what that persons intentions are or if they are serious or not. i am not serious about pretty much anything. taking offense to what others say is fucking retarded. i can't believe that people act this way, it's the same shit as bush's "if you're not with us, you're against us". this is all bullshit. fuck everybody. censors, censorship, and people in favor of censorship are fucked up. fuck all this shit. people should be able to say most anything they want. if you don't agree, that's cool, but censoring them is gay. banning is gay. i am just fucking around with young'n, joking. could you tell, probably not. if i were a child molester i wouldn't want a climber kid anyway. their hands aren't soft the way i like anyway. see just joking again. fuck you.
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Post by ertbaby!!! »

as per usual, I agree with you aaron. If you take a look in the suggestion posts you will see where me and my friends tried to make a simple suggestion on this matter and got torn apart by the moderators and many many posters. I was not only censored but then when i fought back my actual post was erased then falsified... so simply trying to fight back was useless. Since then me and the sexy sandstress have been cool and i am happy about that. many of the others who posted seem to ignore me and i do the same and it works out fine. They sited me for not posting anything of worth... my censorship issues and posts on ganlion cysts/ tendons were obviously useless compared to how much coffee i drink in one sitting or what my puppy looks like as the real posters like to post. I understand when threats and obvious insulting rants that may harm others can and should be stopped and moderated... but it does bother me when a 10 page post about how homosexuality is against gods will and such amazing homophobic posts can fall under the form of decency. and at the same site an OBVIOUS joke must be censored in fear that it might offend somebody... the odds of anybody taking our original post at all seriously was crazy. but a dozen posts insulting an entire culture goes as long as it pleased. The fact that censorship exists is wrong... but it is doubly wrong when the jokes get censored and genuine slander against large groups is completely tolerated.
...well, i can only climb about a 5.10. but i can belay a 5.14c like you wouldn't believe!!
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Post by ertbaby!!! »

i would like to site that i have absolutley no idea what your friend originally did to start the fight between sandy and him. But i do believe that sandy does do what she does for a valid reason. On the final post your friend more or less asked to get banned... and i am happy to hear he is back. Sandy has been asked to do what she does and she does it for free for the better of this site. I am sure sometimes a bad day might alter how she reads things and/or reacts but she is human and being asked to do a large task she must be permitted to act on a whim due to the task at hand. It took me a while to realize this stuff, but once certain things were pointed out to me i see that her job is not one to be envied. I am not changing my psoition on censorship.. just pointing out the fact that a hand full of us are not going to change the format of this site... and we have to be happy for what we have ( as i am ) and even though many of us dont agree with some of the goings on, we must identify that sandy is not the bad guy.
...well, i can only climb about a 5.10. but i can belay a 5.14c like you wouldn't believe!!

Post by aaron »

i know llr just suggested i be banned and it pissed me off that people take jokes so seriously.
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Post by Jeff »

Maybe she was joking.

Post by aaron »

i don't know i believe she mistook a potentially disturbing comment as fact when in reality it was merely a joke.
Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

I'm confused. I thought banishment really didn't have anything to do with being happy...

That's just a little joke on the word "gay." Heh. Heh.

[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]
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Post by longlegsrule »

No references to child molestation of any kind will be tolerated.

It doesn't say it's ok if you know the person...and it doesn't say it's ok if you were joking...

but hey I'm not a moderator...
From Kentucky ;o)
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Post by ertbaby!!! »

i know the rules long legs they have been pointed out to me sweetie. but i think more people would actually be offended by the gay bashing. i think most people can put most anything refering to such a disturbingly wrong thing as child molesting through some kind of mental filter and figure out that it was ment to be more shocking than anything because we also feel it is very wrong and horrible. whereas the gay bashing is not only tolerated but it is very widely accepted. me and all my friends have since halted any and all pedophile jokes. as to be sure not to offend. I will take this moment to further apologize to anyone who was hurt or offended by any of the things that any of my friends had said. but to be honest nothing that was said by any of my friends was at all that bad. i have read far worse things here and nobody gets all huffy puffy about it. i think its all relative.
...well, i can only climb about a 5.10. but i can belay a 5.14c like you wouldn't believe!!
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Post by ertbaby!!! »

and if you were refering to arrons remarks to young'n rather than a very old post that started the censorship issues i would have to say that i dont think aaron is in the wrong due to the fact that young'n is far more a threat to decency than aaron could ever hope to be. and i mean no offence to either party
...well, i can only climb about a 5.10. but i can belay a 5.14c like you wouldn't believe!!
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