I am going to be setting up shop at Miguels, resoling shoes. $30 half sole and that includes toe cap. Satisfaction guaranteed, it will not peel or I will fix it. I'll be a t the Monastary Friday through Monday.(At least next semester!)
I got a pair of anasazi velcro that are starting to give way in the toe area, theres a hole opening up, right now there ok, but when they become unclimbable your my man
Alan Evil is a whiney fucking bitch.
The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.
I think he said "there is a hole in my shoe" not "they is a hole." The latter, however would be proper in some southern regions if predicated with "danged 'ol." For example: "they is a danged ol hole in my danged ol shoe, fix it joe."
sorry to actually post something about the original topic, but Dirt does a really good job on resoles. Since Flyin' Brian is no longer operating in Vegas I send all my resoles to Dirt. I think you guys should support a local resoler, it's a lot better to have one close at hand.
ain't no blood in my body, it's liquid soul in my veins... - Roots Manuva