Anyone need help with gas money, looking for friendly company, or just need a climbing partner...I am that dude.
Chances are if you climb at hidden peak or the red i have met you at some point.
So, let me know if any friendly climbers with a working vehicle has any extra room in the next few weekends. Or if anyone is looking for a climbing partner for around chicago ever(eg Devils Lake, Jackson Falls), ill be around.
i feel for you, i use to have to find rides all the time until i started dating someone from lexington and began flying down, it is so much easier. i'm a former hidden peak employee (just ask miguel about shelly 8) )
excellent point are correct. ~ Pigsteak
i am a former hidden peak employee as well. good luck, i always had problems finding people who wanted to go climbing as often as i did. especially when the weather got bad. so i left chicago. now i can almost climb as much as i want...damn rest days...
Well, I guess even if I dont get climbing outside any time soon, its at least good to know that I am not alone and that I shouldnt be ashamed for feeling down.
Hopefully soon I will be far far away, but until then, the struggle to keep my head above water continues.
Where did you guys move to?
"how he's blind after a life of enjoying being able to see."~Homer