Necro, to tolerate something implies you have power to stop it, but choose not to. To put up with, allow, or endure, rather than prohibit (dictionaries are now adding "To recognize and respect" because of years of improper use) is the correct definition of tolerate.
The fact still remains that if, I told Christian I'd stop and so I will.
I hate:
When professional speakers (news casters, etc), paid for their "mastery" of the English language, misuse the word "got" to imply present or future tense..."We've got to do something". NO "We HAVE to do something" "Got" is entirely past tense, meaning to receive, aquire, obtain, etc, but, much like the word "LIKE" has been bastardized into common use. Can everyone type with me "AOL can kiss my a$$", and email it to Steve Jobs so he hears "You've got mail".....

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."
D. H. Lawrence