it is Lovely....especially when compared to last weekend. Unfortunately, the sweetness is bitter for me since I have to spend the weekend in the flatland and can not climb
I am spending Saturday on a barn roof in the boonies.My consolation is that I have climbed almost every weekend this year.
Yup it was a beautiful day today.The golden light just before dark was incredible.
"Everyone should have a plan for the zombie apocolipse" Courtney
Today was our off day so Bry & I spent a lovely day tooling around Asheville & what a great town it is!!! Tomorrow is looking pretty sweet as well so we are heading to the Bald!! YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[quote="Lynne"] I think dogs are better than most people, so I meant it.
LOL, Lynne, I have to agree with you there!
Sunday was freakin' beautiful! Talk about sulking ... while my buddies were at Fortress, I was in bed sick. With my luck, the rest of the month will be crap!
Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:33 pm.
"If YOU'RE GOING THROUGH HELL, KEEP GOING ..." (Winston Churchill)