512OW wrote:I know that what I do can potentially hurt people. I know that my actions carry consequences.
512OW wrote:I NEVER claimed that actions were important.
512OW wrote:See, the thing is, I didn't contradict myself.
I think we may be operating with a non-standard definition of the word 'contradict'. But what do I know? In the mutant version of the English language that I use, the words 'consequential' and 'important' are synonyms. Silly me.
But back to the point of the thread - I do have to admit that I bothered to read a bit of what whazhisname wrote, so, yeah, I guess it must be that all our base are belong to him.
I ridicule your molecules! They are miniscule! You are a culinary fool eating pasta fazool! Throw your burning yule log into the pool and ignore the trool- I mean troll! And when the reception of your perception is a deception don't make an exception, or have a conniption. It may be manual in Chicago, but here it's automatic, just put on your flak jacket and get ecstatic about your interactions. That rational actor's not a factor, they lack your wacky background, they're not racked for that crack.
Pointing out contratdictions is such a hobby. I noticed that the more I read philosophy, the more addicting it was. Nothing makes you feel smart more than pointing out some one's flaw, no matter how subtle. Hell, it works. I used to do it every day, and people were constantly telling me how bright and astute I was.
Stupid people.
A post could win an argument with me.
Particularly if it can spell.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
man you either don't have a clearly thought out world view or you are unable to communicate it in a understandable fashion. but i could really care less about your existentialism or nihilism or feelings or whatever you want to call it.
the point is this, you called everyone on this site out. You titled this thread:
"Hes got you all....." you all implying everyone on the site but you. i was merely calling you a jackass for assuming that the majority of us were being 'had' by mr. stonghandman. i still am. had you phrased it like "hes got some of you" or "hes sure got all of us" or "isn't it funny some people on this board take trolls seriously" or even "aren't we all stupid for playing around with trolls on the internet instead of doing something productive with our lives." then you wouldn't of sounded pompous. but you didn't.
so in the end you are wrong. he doesn't got us all. not even close.